Tasks of the national resolution authority

The Bank of Greece as national resolution authority

The main tasks of the Bank of Greece in its capacity as national resolution authority are:

  • to work closely together with the Single Resolution Board (SRB) in drawing up resolution plans for Greek significant credit institutions;
  • to draw up resolution plans for less significant  credit institutions directly supervised by  the Bank;
  • to evaluate the necessity of resolution measures in relation to credit institutions directly supervised by the Bank;
  • to assess and select the appropriate resolution tools and apply the resolution mechanism;
  • to implement and follow up on the decisions of the Single Resolution Board;
  • to  recommend to the competent bodies (namely the Resolution Measures Committee);
  • to ensure the collection of  contributions from credit institutions within the remit of the Single Resolution Mechanism, and to calculate and collect contributions from domestic branches of third-country credit institutions;
  • to participate in resolution colleges for  cross-border banking groups; and
  • to participate in committees and working groups of the Single Resolution Board, the European Banking Authority and the European Commission.
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