A time series of loan balances, non-performing loans and non-performing loan/loan ratio with respect to all Greek commercial and cooperative banks from 2002 to date (individual level) and from 2014 to date (consolidated level), on a quarterly basis and by portfolio is posted on this page.
Data are provided on both individual and consolidated level and relate to on-balance sheet loans (before provisions) of Greek commercial and cooperative banks operating during the respective period.
For the period from September 2002 to end September 2014, data derive from regular submissions to Bank of Greece, on an individual level, in accordance with Bank of Greece Governor's Act No. 2442 29.1.1999.
For the period 2014 and onwards, data derive from regular submissions (on both individual and consolidated level) to Bank of Greece, at first in accordance with Executive Committee Act No. 42/30.5.2014 and after July 2020 in accordance with Executive Committee’s Act 175/2/29.7.2020 (Annexes) (available only in Greek), as specifically described in Issues of non-performing exposures.
It is noted that the definitions of the European Banking Authority (EBA) apply, pursuant to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) laying down implementing technical standards, with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions.