Financial markets

The Bank of Greece publishes detailed data regarding:

  1. Issues of debt securities and listed shares by residents, including sustainable debt securities.
  2. Holdings of sustainable debt securities.
  3. Time series for selected price indices.
  4. Prices and yields of Greek government securities.

The issuance of debt securities by a legal entity serves as an alternative to bank loans and thus has a direct impact on the amount of loans extended by banks. Moreover, the ability of various economic sectors to invest their savings in securities impacts the ability of credit institutions to attract depositors’ funds. Monitoring the data on securities holdings provides in-depth statistical information on the financing of economic sectors through securities issues, as well as the interactions between the economic sectors of the holders and the issuers of these securities.

The Bank of Greece closely monitors securities holdings and issues in order to contribute to the prudential supervision of credit institutions, the stability of the financial system and the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Interest rates play a key role in this mechanism, and the Bank of Greece publishes detailed monthly data on the evolution of the yields of Greek Government securities.

In addition to the Bank of Greece, data sources for the above information include the Ministry of Economy and Finance (General Accounting Office of the State) and the Athens Exchange


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