Proposal of the Bank of Greece’s General Council for the appointment of a Deputy Governor
08/02/2021 - Press Releases
Given that the term of office of Deputy Governor Mr Theodoros Mitrakos will come to an end on 10 March 2021, the General Council of the Bank of Greece decided, today, to propose to the Cabinet the appointment of Ms Christina Papaconstantinou as Deputy Governor.
Ms Papaconstantinou is a graduate from the Law School of the University of Athens, with a master’s degree in European Community Law from the University of London.
She has a long experience in the monitoring and coordination of structural reforms and economic policies. She served as Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and as Secretary General of Fiscal Policy at the General Accounting Office from 2012 to 2014, and in that capacity participated in Greece’s negotiations of its economic adjustment programmes.
She has participated as a delegate in meetings of the ECOFIN Council, in OECD high-level groups and OECD Ministerial Council Meetings.
Since 2017, Ms Papaconstantinou is the Chair of the Board of Directors of PQH SA.