Reduction in key interest rates of the Bank of Greece
28/06/2000 - Press Releases
The Monetary Policy Council of the Bank of Greece, after taking into
- the decision of the Council of the European Union for the full participation of Greece
in EMU as of 1 January 2001 and the consequent convergence of money market interest rates
to the corresponding euro area interest rates,
- the latest developments and forecasts regarding the Consumer Price Index and, in
particular, the positive prospects for core inflation,
- the need to harmonise the standing deposit facility for credit institutions with the
corresponding facility offered by the Eurosystem,
has decided the following:
- the interest rate on the main 14-day refinancing operations of the Bank of Greece is
reduced to 8.25 per cent, from 8.75 per cent,
- the interest rate on the marginal lending facility for credit institutions against
collateral of government securities (Lombard rate) is reduced to 9.00 per cent, from 9.50
per cent,
- the second tier of the standing deposit facility is abolished, and
- the interest rate on the single account of banks’ overnight deposits with the Bank of
Greece is set at 7.25 per cent, compared with 8.00 per cent which was the interest rate
for the first tier of the deposit facility.