Reporting of balance of payments and external statistics

Balance of payments

Statistical reporting by resident entities in relation to transactions with non-residents without the mediation of domestic credit institutions

By the Bank of Greece Governor's Act No. 2535/21.1.2004 (paragraph ΙΙ), legal entities resident in Greece are required to report all types of transactions, regardless of the amount involved, they undertake with non-residents without the mediation of credit or financial institutions operating in Greece. As of 1.1.2016, these transactions are reported through the DIREQT system.

It must be noted that such data are confidential and collected exclusively for statistical purposes and, specifically, for preparing the country's balance of payments. The requirement for reporting statistics to the Bank of Greece is laid down in article 55C of its Statute, as ratified by Laws 2609/1998 and 2832/2000


Foreign direct investment

Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Survey

Every legal entity resident in Greece having a direct investment relationship with a non-resident, either as a direct investor or as a direct investment enterprise, is required to report annually, via the ESS subsystem of the IRIS system of the Bank of Greece, information on the stock of investment made abroad vis-à-vis non-residents, regardless of the amount involved.

It should be noted that such data are confidential and collected exclusively for statistical purposes, in particular for the compilation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics and the country's International Investment Position and for updating the European Groups Register (EGR). The reporting requirement arises from Article 55C of the Bank of Greece Statute, as ratified by Laws 2609/1998 and 2832/2000.

Outward foreign affiliates statistics

Annual Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics (OFATS) Survey

Every legal entity resident in Greece which has control, whether directly or indirectly, over foreign affiliate enterprises and is the Ultimate Controlling Institutional unit (UCI) is required to report annually, via the ESS subsystem of the IRIS system of the Bank of Greece, statistical data on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates, regardless of the amount involved.

It should be noted that such data are confidential and collected exclusively for statistical purposes, in particular for the compilation of statistics on the expansion of controlled foreign companies by institutional units that are resident in Greece and their impact on the European economy as a whole and for updating the European Groups Register (EGR). The reporting requirement arises from Article 55C of the Bank of Greece Statute, as ratified by Laws 2609.

Foreign Assets and Liabilities

Annual Survey of Foreign Assets and Liabilities (A/L)

Non-financial corporations resident in Greece are required to report annually via the ESS subsystem of the IRIS system of the Bank of Greece, the outstanding amounts of their assets and liabilities vis-à-vis non-residents, regardless of the amount involved.

It should be noted that such data are confidential and collected exclusively for statistical purposes, in particular for the compilation of the country's International Investment Position. The reporting requirement arises from Article 55C of the Bank of Greece Statute, as ratified by Laws 2609/1998 and 2832/2000.


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