Interest rates and volumes of monetary policy operations

Interest Rates and Volumes of Main and Longer-Term Refinancing Operations 

Information related to the conduct of standard tenders by the European Central Bank is available on 

ECB Monthly Bulletin, Euro area statistics, Eurosystem monetary policy operations alloted through tenders (table 1.3), Main refinancing operations with 14-day maturity (table 1.3.1) and Longer-term refinancing operations with 3-month maturity (table 1.3.2).

Standing Facilities Interest Rates

Information related to the standing facilities interest rates of the European Central Bank is avalaible on ECB Monthly Bulletin , Euro area statistics, ECB interest rates (table 1.2).

Interest Rates and Volumes of other Tender Operations 

Information related to the conduct of Fine-tuning operations by the European Central Bank is available on ECB Monthly Bulletin,  Euro area statistics, Eurosystem monetary policy operations alloted through tenders (table 1.3), Other tender operations (table 1.3.3).

Interest Rates and Volumes of Open Market Operations before Bank of Greece joined the Eurosystem (historical data: 1998-2000)


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