Sustainable debt securities holdings by domestic residents

This section provides quarterly data since 2021 on sustainable debt securities holdings by domestic residents. Specifically, it includes residents' holdings of sustainable debt securities issued both in the Greek and foreign capital markets.

The data are based on Regulation (EU) No 1011/2012 of the European Central Bank (ECB/2012/24) concerning statistics on holdings of securities and Guideline (EU) 2022/971 of the European Central Bank on the production of securities issues statistics (ECB/2022/25). This statistical report combines information on investor sector and type of sustainable debt securities.

Holdings of sustainable debt securities include the following categories, in accordance with the practice followed by the ECB:

- (a) Green debt securities: The proceeds are used to finance green projects.

- (b) Social debt securities: The proceeds are used to finance projects that address social issues.

- (c) Sustainability debt securities: The proceeds are used to finance a combination of both green and social projects.

- (d) Sustainability-Linked debt securities: The issuers are committed to future improvements in sustainability outcomes, with no restrictions on how the proceeds can be used.

Data on holdings of green debt securities are broken down by economic sector. They are reported at market value and refer to outstanding amounts at the end of each reference period. For social securities, sustainability securities and sustainability-linked securities, information is provided in aggregate amounts, regardless of the economic sector of the resident holder. In line with ECB practice, the sustainability classification of a given debt security is by no means a label assigned by the Bank of Greece, but is given exclusively on the basis of information in the issuers' disclosures.

In the context of the ECB and the national central banks' commitment to improving the quality and availability of data to address the climate crisis, and in the absence of internationally accepted and harmonised standards, a joint effort has been launched since January 2023 to develop statistical indicators – harmonised at the euro area level – for climate-related analysis. These indicators are compiled in order to analyse more effectively the climate-related risks that can affect monetary policy, price stability and the financial system. Additionally, these indicators are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face as we transition to a greener economy. Additional breakdowns of the “sustainable finance” indicators were released in November 2023. The “carbon emissions” and “physical risks” indicators were updated in April 2024 to reflect significant methodological improvements and include additional details; they are part of a broader climate action plan. As of September 2024, the ECB has characterized these data as official statistics of the ESCB. The ECB, along with the national central banks, will continue to work on improving the methodology and quality of these data, which will be gradually enriched in the future as a result of these methodological improvements. The structure and contents of the tables published on the Bank of Greece's website may accordingly change at a later stage.

For more relevant information, you can refer to:

  1. Climate change-related indicators
  2. ECB Blog

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