200 years of Greek economy: Between state and market


Title: 200 chrónia hellenikìs economías: metaxì kràtous ke agoràs [200 years of Greek economy: Between state and market]

Editor: Andreas Kakridis

Publisher: Bank of Greece (Centre for Culture, Research & Documentation)

Year of publication: 2024

Number of pages: 436

Dimensions: 24 x 17 cm

Cover: Paperback

Book type: Economic History

ISBN: 978-618-5536-53-4

Central distribution:
a. National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (ΜΙΕΤ) in Athens (13 Amerikis Str., tel.: +30 210 3614143) and Thessaloniki (11 Tsimiski Str., tel.: +30 2310 288036)
b. Ι. Nikolòpoulos & Co. SA – Ekdòseis tou Eikostoù Pròtou (9 Ζaloggou Str., Athens, tel.: +30 210 3800520).

About the book

For all the trials of its past and the challenges that lay ahead, the Greek economy has come an impressively long way. Within the last couple of centuries, a once poor, agricultural country managed to double the life expectancy of its citizens and attain a tenfold increase in per capita GDP, thus joining the ranks of the most developed economies of the world – the deep effects of the recent crisis notwithstanding.

The country’s trajectory was neither linear, nor predetermined. Successes and reversals, advances and setbacks came part and parcel with the gradual transformation of the Greek economy. At many crossroads, the interplay between state policy and market forces was crucial in plotting the final course. The international environment also played a decisive role, as did the interaction of ideas and interests. This is the rich historical tapestry from which the authors draw the themes discussed in this book, which covers different aspects of the Greek economy over the last two hundred years.

Some chapters drift further from the usual path of economic history, touching on such issues as demography, technology, gender relations and the formation of the country’s public administration. Other chapters seek to offer new insights into familiar topics, either by offering novel data or by challenging established narratives. All of them aim to condense, within the span of a few pages, the contemporary scientific discourse on each topic.


1.       A brief overview of Greece’s demographic history

         Byron Kotzamanis

2.      Women on the go: the long road to equality 

         Antigone Lyberaki

3.      State and economy in modern Greece: critical interactions from 1821 to the present

         George Alogoskoufis

4.      Long-term public economics and the fiscal capacity of the Greek state

         Pantelis Kammas & Franciscos Koutentakis

5.      Extra-economic development factors: the institutionalisation of professional management

         Calliope Spanou ​

6.      Greek agriculture, 19th-20th century: from subsistence to the market, and from the market to state regulation

         Alexis Franghiadis

7.      A brief history of Greek industrialisation

         Andreas Kakridis

8.      Domestic and international factors shaping industrial development in postwar Greece

         Tassos Giannitsis

9.      The evolution of the Greek electrical system: from the electric lamp post to the electric car

         Danae Diakoulaki

10.    Industrial development and technological change: challenges, transformations, public policies and business strategies

         Yannis Caloghirou

11.     Greek merchant shipping in the 200 years of the Greek state

         Katerina Papakonstantinou

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