Title: All for one, economy for all: Middle high school (gymnasium) teacher book
Authoring: Banca d’Italia
Publisher: Bank of Greece – Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation
Year of publication: 2024
Number of pages: 100
Dimensions: 29.5 x 21 cm
Cover: Soft
Book type: Educational
ISBN: (print) 978-618-5536-59-6, (online) 978-618-5536-58-9
Distribution: Museum of the Bank of Greece, 3 Amerikis Str., Athens
About the series
The Bank of Greece, in collaboration with the Bank of Italy (Banca d’Italia), has translated, adapted into Greek, and published six financial education books aimed at primary and secondary education students and teachers: for the elementary school, the middle high school (gymnsasium), and the upper high school (lyceum).
Student books present economic concepts in a simplified manner, tailored to the cognitive level of children at each educational stage. In addition to information, they also include games and activities that allow students to gain hands-on experience with economic concepts. They also feature engaging comics that help them discover the secrets of the economy alongside four children and their dog!
Teacher books provide educators with expanded resources, enabling them to explain the concepts and material from student books in their classrooms. They can guide children through fun activities to understand these concepts firsthand.
The books aim to empower tomorrow's adults on economic issues. This empowerment can be achieved by providing essential knowledge and helping individuals to acquire skills that will lead them to long-term financial well-being.