Title: Anamnistikòs tómos Leonída Georgakópoulou, I & II [Commemorative volume for Leonidas Georgakopoulos, I & II]
Author: Collective
Publisher: Bank of Greece (Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation)
Year of publication: 2016
Volumes: 2
Dimensions: 25 x 17.5 cm
Book type: Commemorative volume
ISBN: 978-960-7032-71-3
Central Distribution
a. National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (ΜΙΕΤ) in Athens (13 Amerikis Str., tel.: +30 210 3614143) and Thessaloniki (11 Tsimiski Str., tel.: +30 2310 288036)
b. Ι. Nikolópoulos & Co. SA – Ekdósis tou Eikostoù Prótou (9 Ζaloggou Str., Athens, tel.: +30 210 3800520).
About the book
Professor Leonidas Georgakopoulos (1931-2007), for whom this commemorative volume is published, was a pioneering scientist and a university professor. With his work and personality, he influenced Legal Science in Greece, inspiring generations of Greek lawyers.
The two-volume book was published on the occasion of the 85-year anniversary from Leonidas Georgakopoulos’s birth and includes 56 papers by Greek and foreign scientists of law. Most papers are in Greek, but a good number are in English, German or French. The book culminates to professor Georgakopoulos’s curriculum vitae and to a list of his books.