Title: Elias Venezis – Honorary event (in Greek)
Publisher: Bank of Greece (Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation)
Year of publication: 2014
Number of pages: 60
Dimensions: 20 x 20 cm.
Cover: Soft
Book type: Book of commemorative speeches
ISBN: 978-960-7032-64-5
About the book:
The book contains material from the honorary event that took place for the 110-year anniversary from the birth of the great author and once employee of the Bank of Greece Elias Venezis; the venue of the event was at the central building of the Bank; the event took place on 7 April 2014.
After an opening statement by the Governor of Bank of Greece Mr. Georgios Provopoulos, a series of speeches were delivered by people who knew Venezis personally: his daughter Ms. Anna Venezi Kosmetatou; the author and colleague of his Mr. Takis Hadjianagnostou; the author-columnist Mr. Takis Theodoropoulos. The event was moderated by journalist Mr. Nikos Vatopoulos. The text of statements and speeches form the main contents of the book, which also contains photos and excerpts from works by Elias Venezis, read during the event by actor Mr. Christos Loulis.
The book is accompanied by a DVD which contains a video of the event.