Ο ΚÌKLOS: Pedikès Kataskinòsis – 70 years


Title: Ο ΚÌKLOS- Pedikès Kataskinòsis – 70 years, 1945-2015 [The children’s summer camp of the Bank of Greece] in Greek

Author: Collective

Publisher: Bank of Greece (Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation)

Year of publication: 2015

Number of pages: 56

Dimensions: 29 x 21 cm

Book type: Reprint

Non-comme rcial publication

About Kyklos

Kyklos (meaning “circle”) was the name of the first staff magazine of the Bank of Greece. Its publication began in 1961 and ended in 1969, soon after the arrival of the Greek junta. Kyklos featured economic articles and articles of general interest, but also short stories, poems etc. by important people of the Greek letters, such as Elias Venezis, Kiki Dimoula, Thanassis Petsalis-Diomidis, Nassos Detzortzis etc., who also served as employees of the Bank of Greece.

The Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation inaugurated a series of events in the memory of those people and published accompanying commemorative issues of Kyklos with reprints of their original collaborations. In this way, the totality of their work in Kyklos was compiled in a single issue.

About this issue

The most important date for the children’s summer camp of the Bank of Greece was the 1st September 1944, when the General Council decided on its establishment on the mount 21El. Venizelou Str., 102 50 Athens, Greece Τel. +30 210 320-3558, Fax. 210 320-2253 e-mail: sec.repub@bankof greece.gr, S.W.I.F.T.: BNGRGRAA of Penteli, Attica, for the summer of 1945.

The will of the Bank to establish a summer camp in the midst of particularly difficult times was strong enough to make it last until today. The issue contains an extensive chronology of events from the establishment of the camp up until 2015. It also contains pages from the Minutes from the early meetings of the Summer Camp Committee and pictures from the summer camp provided by the Historical Archives of the Bank of Greece. Finally, it includes pages from the original Kyklos magazine with articles about the summer camp. The material stirs emotions such as hope, optimism and joy that arise from the evident quality of human relations, the principles, the mentalities, the facts and the activities which, albeit varying with time, are in the end a testimony of the very tissue that keeps the spirit of the summer camp ever alive.

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