Title: [To mikrò vivlío tis téchnis] The little book of art: Faces and Images from the Bank of Greece Collection
Author: Chara Hadjinikolaou
Publisher: Bank of Greece – Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation
Year of publication: 2018
Number of pages: 50
Dimensions: 20 x 25
Cover: Soft
Book type: Educational, Art
ISBN: 978-960-7032-82-9
Central Distribution
a. National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (ΜΙΕΤ) in Athens (13 Amerikis Str., tel.: +30 210 3614143) and Thessaloniki (11 Tsimiski Str., tel.: +30 2310 288036)
b. Ι. Nikolópoulos & Co. SA – Ekdósis tou Eikostoù Prótou (9 Ζaloggou Str., Athens, tel.: +30 210 3800520).
About the book
This book provides an itinerary into modern Greek art, spanning from the 19th century to this era, through paintings and other artefacts of the Bank of Greece Art Collection. It presents the young reader with Faces – artists, important figures, but also everyday people – who have “written” their own chapters in modern Greek art, either as creators or as subject matters. Also, with all sorts of images from the Collection.