The General Council comprises the Governor, the two Deputy Governors, the other (three) members of the Monetary Policy Council and six Councillors.
Entrusted with the general management of the affairs of the Bank, it is responsible to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Council within the limits of the Statute makes decisions and exercises powers not specifically reserved to the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Monetary Policy Council, the Executive Committee or, as provided for in the last sentence of Article 31, to the Governor.
The members of the General Council* are:
- Yannis Stournaras Governor
- Theodore Pelagidis Deputy Governor
- Christina Papaconstantinou Deputy Governor
- Olga P. Charitou Member
- Christos D. Hadjiemmanuil Member
- Georgios I. Karanikas Member
- Georgios E. Kavvathas Member
- Vasileios D. Kotsovilis Member
- Ioannis D. Masoutis Member
- Theodosios S. Panaikas Member
- Dimitrios Th. Papalexopoulos* Member under Article 22(5) of the Statute
- Ioannis A. Retsos Member
Attending Ioulia G. Armagou, General Commissioner of the State.
* Elected to replace Mr Spyridon Theodoropoulos, who resigned.
Articles 20-27 of the Statute.