It is the Bank’s supreme decision-making body that represents all shareholders and binds them by its decisions. The ordinary General Meeting is convened by the General Council, it is held once a year, not later than in April, and it decides upon its rules of procedure.
Furthermore, it is the only competent body to decide on the following matters:
- approval of the Bank’s Annual Report and balance sheet, appropriations to reserves and other special funds, determination of dividends and any other disposal of net profits;
- election or removal of members of the General Council and of the Auditors and the determination of their fees;
- discharge of members of the General Council and of the Auditors from all personal responsibility;
- proposals to amend the Statute of the Bank, except for capital increases (Article 9 of the Statute), which are then submitted to the Parliament through the Government; and
- proposals on any other matter submitted to the Meeting by the General Council.
Extraordinary General Meetings are convened by the General Council and are held whenever required.
Articles 11-19 of the Statute