Occupational and Private Insurance Supervision Directorate

Main responsibilities

  • to supervise Greek-based insurance and reinsurance undertakings;
  • to supervise the foreign branches  of Greek-based insurance and reinsurance undertakings, as well as their activities under the freedom to provide services in other countries of the European Union (EU) or of the European Economic Area (EAA);
  • to supervise  the domestic branches of insurance and reinsurance undertakings based in third countries (outside the EU and the EEA); and
  • to supervise insurance intermediaries, whether natural or legal persons.

The Occupational and Private Insurance Supervision Directorate comprises the following Divisions:

  • Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Licensing and Administrative Issues Supervision Division
  • Insurance Market Analysis Division
  • Prudential Supervision Detailed Review Division
  • Insurance Undertakings and Distributors Market Conduct Supervision Division
  • Regulatory Framework and Supervision Technical Assistance Division
  • (Re)insurance Undertakings Prudential Supervision Division A
  • (Re)insurance Undertakings Prudential Supervision Division B
  • (Re)insurance Undertakings Prudential Supervision Division C
  • Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Prudential Supervision Division A
  • Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Prudential Supervision Division B
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