Payment and Settlement Systems Directorate

​​​​​​​​​​​​Main responsibilities

  • to operate the Greek component (TA​RGET-GR) of TARGET, the payment system owned and operated by the Eurosystem;
  • to monitor developments in the regulatory framework and infrastructures for fund transfers in the European and international markets, as well as in the domestic market;
  • to compile and process payment statistics and provide input to data release updates and publications by the Bank of Greece and the European Central Bank; 
  • to manage and operate the regulated Electronic Secondary Securities Market (HDAT) for Greek government securities, which also  supports the primary market;
  • to manage and operate the System for Monitoring Transactions in Book-Entry Securities (BOGS), which serves as a Central Depository for dematerialised securities issued by the Greek government and other entities, enabling the clearing and settlement of transactions in such securities registered in the System.

​The Payment and Settlement Systems Directorate comprises the following Divisions:

  • Payment Systems Management Division
  • Book Entry Securities Management Division
  • Electronic Secondary Securities Market Division
  • Funds Transfers and Infrastructure Study Division
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