Main responsibilities
The Statistics Directorate collects, compiles and publishes data on:
- money and credit;
- Greece’s balance of payments and international investment position;
- national financial accounts; and
- loan-by-loan credit data.
The purpose of Bank of Greece statistics is to provide reliable information to the general public and researchers in Greece and abroad, to fulfill the reporting requirements of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and other EU and international organisations, and to meet the Bank's statistical needs.
The production of statistics at the Bank of Greece conforms to the highest standards, in line with the Public Commitment on European Statistics by the ESCB.
The Statistics Directorate comprises the following Divisions:
- External Accounts Compilation Division
- Central Credit Register Division
- Microeconomic Data Division
- Securities Issuance and Holdings Statistics Division
- Credit and Other Financial Institutions Statistics Division
- External Sector Data Collection Division
- Financial Accounts and Money and Capital Markets Statistics Division