Authentication devices

Authentication devices do not fall into the categories of banknote authentication machines within the Framework of the Eurosystem.

Therefore, authentication devices cannot be used by credit institutions and other professional cash handlers for the automatic authentication of euro banknotes in order to re-issue them through ATMs and other customer-operated cash dispensing machines.

The purposes of the Eurosystem's common test procedure for banknote authentication devices are:

  • to enable manufacturers to test their devices with a wide range of topical euro counterfeits;
  • to support manufacturers in their endeavour to develop and improve effective banknote authentication devices;
  • to collect general and performance-related information on the devices and provide such information to professional users and other prospective purchasers;
  • to facilitate the use of devices that contribute to combating counterfeits and, therefore, reinforce confidence in euro banknotes.

Tests are carried out by the Eurosystem's NCBs at the request of manufacturers.

List of authentication devices

The common test procedure is applied only to devices designed to evaluate the authenticity of euro banknotes and indicate whether a banknote is genuine or counterfeit. Tested devices must be able to check the authenticity of euro banknotes without the intervention of the user and make independent decisions.

The device is tested for its ability to:

  • Correctly detect counterfeit euro banknotes (counterfeit test);
  • Correctly identify genuine euro banknotes (recognition test).

The purpose of the tests is not to determine whether a device is user-friendly, safe, durable, easily serviceable etc. The test results are published on the ECB website.

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