The Bank of Greece monitors risks to financial stability arising from the residential and commercial real estate sector in the context of its macroprudential mandate.
To support relevant data collection, the Bank of Greece’s Executive Committee initially approved Act No. 175/1/29.07.2020, which was repealed and replaced by Executive Committee Act No. 231/3/15.07.2024. Through these Acts, the Bank of Greece has adopted Recommendation ESRB/2016/14 of the European Systemic Risk Board, as amended by Recommendation ESRB/2019/3.
Pursuant to Act 231/3/15.07.2024, credit institutions and leasing companies operating in Greece shall submit to the Bank of Greece (Financial Stability Directorate – Macroprudential Policy Division) aggregate data and indicators on their portfolios of residential real estate (RRE) and commercial real estate (CRE) loans, as well as CRE investment. Data shall be submitted on a quarterly and solo basis.
The full text of Executive Committee Act no 231/3/15.07.2024, along with the relevant Template FSD01 for data submission, is available below. Also available are FAQs, instructions on completing Template FSD01 and instructions on issuing and using a digital certificate for secure communication with the Bank of Greece.