Cash Management of General Government Entities

The cash management of the General Government Entities refers to the management of the cash reserves of these Entities, under the provisions of article 69A(10) of Law 4270/2014.  Under this institutional framework, the Bank of Greece provides the banking infrastructure to Public Entities so that the funds held may be channeled within the System of Treasury Accounts.

All State Budget grants are transferred to these cash management accounts that each General Government Entity holds with the Bank of Greece.  Through these accounts, all forms of compensation and social security benefits are transferred through State Budget provisions. For this purpose, each Entity opens a cash management account at the Bank of Greece, submitting the supporting documents provided for in article 1(3) of Ministerial Decision 2/45619/DLTP/2021 (Government Gazette B' 604/2021).

A key prerequisite for opening a cash management account with the Bank of Greece is the inclusion of the Entity's identity under the Hellenic Statistical Authority 's Registry of General Government Entities.

For the safe and efficient transfer of funds from the cash management account of each Entity to third party accounts, the Bank of Greece provides a special online application known as “DIAS Portal”.  Access to this electronic payment application is initiated by each Public Entity, with the submission of the following information to the Bank of Greece:

  • Decision of the Board of Directors of the Public Entity, which depicts: (a) the access of the Entity's cash management account to the Portal, (b) authorization of the Entity's management to sign the relevant access forms and (c) the appointment of users and their respective access rights.
  • Duly signed application for access to the Portal
  • DCT Debtor Form – Entity’s Parameters
  • Form for the linkage to the Portal

All supporting documents are submitted to the Bank of Greece – Government Financial Operations and Accounts Directorate – General Government Entities Accounts Division.

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