Bank of Greece Governor's Act 2501/2002 has established the pre-contractual information to be provided to the borrower regarding foreign exchange risk and the possibility and cost of using risk hedging techniques.
Bank of Greece Governor's Act 2501/2002 has established the pre-contractual information to be provided to the borrower regarding foreign exchange risk and the possibility and cost of using risk hedging techniques.
In addition, Bank of Greece Banking Supervision Department document no. 484/19.3.2007 provided supplementary instructions to credit institutions so that transactors fully understand the risks they are to assume.
For this purpose, it was recommended that credit institutions include in the contract an example of calculation of the loan repayment instalment (principal and interest), based on the most unfavourable exchange rate of the underlying currencies over the past three years.
The need to inform borrowers of foreign exchange risk was also underlined by the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), which, in the absence of a harmonised Community framework on this issue, in 2011 addressed to Member States a Recommendation on lending in foreign currencies, recommending that they require financial institutions to provide borrowers with adequate information regarding the risks involved in foreign currency lending before the conclusion of the loan agreement (ESRB 2011/C 342/01).
As far as our country is concerned, because the relevant requirements were already in place, Circular No. 457/23.4.2013 of the Banking Supervision Department was issued, supplementing the methodology for establishing the example of calculation of the loan repayment instalment.
The ESRB has already assessed the compliance of the competent authorities and Member States with the above Recommendation and determined that Greece has fully complied.