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Conduct of suitability certification exams in english

03/08/2021 - Announcements

The Bank of Greece announces that as of the forthcoming suitability certification exams for persons providing investment services according to the provisions of article 93 of law 4514/2018, which will be held on 16 and 17 October 2021, there will be the possibility of taking the exams of section “Legal Framework of the Capital Market for certificates a1-d” in English.

The Bank of Greece will post on its website the Question Bank of “Legal Framework of the Capital Market for certificates a1-d” and, at a later time, the relevant regulatory decisions, translated into English.

For more information on the submission of application forms, the required and supporting documents, as well as the payment of the certification fee, please send an expression of interest for your further information to the following e-mail address:

It is highlighted that, in the context of on-going protection measures against COVID19, the Bank of Greece remains vigilant and according to the developments in each case, will proceed in necessary announcements on its website.

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