Financial instruments are classified in categories, in descending order according to their liquidity. In addition, they are divided by original maturity into short-term and long-term instruments.
According to the ESA 2010, short-term instruments are those with an original maturity of one year or less, whereas long-term instruments are those with an original maturity of more than one year.
Monetary Gold and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (F.1)
This category includes gold held by the Bank of Greece in reserve assets and SDRs held by the Bank of Greece in reserve assets. Both are valued at market/current values.
Currency (F.21)
This category includes coins and notes in circulation. The total amount of euro notes and coins in circulation held by Greek residents (natural and legal persons) is based on estimates given that in a monetary union such as the euro area, currency in circulation in each country cannot be precisely calculated.
Transferable Deposits (F.22)
This category consists of sight deposits, which are fully exchangeable for currency on demand and are directly usable for making payments (by cheque or other direct payment facilities), without delay, penalty or restriction.
Other deposits (F.29)
Includes all other types of deposits except for transferable deposits: savings deposits, deposits redeemable at notice, time deposits, non-transferable savings deposits, certificates of deposits and repurchase agreements. Deposit balances of all categories are recorded at nominal value. Foreign currency deposits are converted into national currency at the mid-market exchange rate at the end of the reporting period. The value includes interest accrued but not yet paid.
Debt securities (F.3)
Debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. They are classified by original maturity into short-term and long-term debt securities. Debt securities are valued at market prices and include any interest accrued but not yet paid, in accordance with the respective valuation principle of ESA 2010.
Loans (F.4)
Loans are created when creditors lend funds to debtors. They are classified by original maturity into short-term and long-term loans. Loans are valued at nominal values and include any interest accrued but not yet paid.
Equity (F.51)
This category consists of financial assets that are claims on the residual value of a corporation/that cover beneficial interest in the capital of a corporation. It includes listed and unlisted shares as well as other equity, excluding mutual fund shares, which are classified in a separate ESA 2010 category. Listed shares are valued at market prices, while unlisted shares and other equity are valued at estimated market values.
Investment fund shares or units (F.52)
Investment funds are collective investment undertakings through which investors pool funds for investment in financial and/or non-financial assets. These companies issue either shares or units, depending on their structure. Investment funds shares or units are valued at market values.
Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (F.6)
They refer to the provisions of insurance companies and pension funds for future payments to beneficiaries. According to the ESA 2010, they are divided into the following subcategories: non-life insurance technical reserves (F.61), life insurance and annuity entitlements (F.62), pension entitlements (F.63), entitlements to non-pension benefits (F.65) and provisions for calls on standardised guarantees (F.66). The amounts are recorded at market values, calculated on the basis of the current value of the entitlements of policyholders to a lump sum payment or an annuity.
Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7)
According to the ESA 2010, this category includes all financial derivatives, such as options, forwards, futures, credit derivatives, currency swaps, interest rate swaps, and employee stock options. All of the above are recorded at current market prices.
Other accounts receivable/payable (F.8)
This category consists of assets and liabilities arising from trade credits and advances as well as from financial assets and liabilities not classified in any other category. They are recorded at nominal value.