Title: Ο ΚÌKLOS- Xenophòn Zolòtas (in Greek)
Author: Collective
Publisher: Bank of Greece (Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation)
Year of publication: 2015
Number of pages: 40
Dimensions: 29 x 21 cm
Book type: Reprint
Non-commercial publication
About Kyklos
Kyklos (meaning “circle”) was the name of the first staff magazine of the Bank of Greece. Its publication began in 1961 and ended in 1969, soon after the arrival of the Greek junta. Kyklos featured economic articles and articles of general interest, but also short stories, poems etc. by important people of the Greek letters, such as Elias Venezis, Kiki Dimoula, Thanassis Petsalis-Diomidis, Nassos Detzortzis etc., who also served as employees of the Bank of Greece.
The Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation inaugurated a series of events in the memory of those people and published accompanying commemorative issues of Kyklos with reprints of their original collaborations. In this way, the totality of their work in Kyklos was compiled in a single issue.
About this issue
Xenophon Zolotas was the single three-times Governor of the Bank of Greece (during the periods 12.10.1944-8.1.1945, 5.2.1955-7.8.1967 and 26.11.1974-3.11.1981). It was in his years that Kyklos was established. Being, in a sense, his very child, Kyklos could not but include 21El. Venizelou Str., 102 50 Athens, Greece Τel. +30 210 320-3558, Fax. 210 320-2253 e-mail: sec.repub@bankof greece.gr, S.W.I.F.T.: BNGRGRAA in its pages aspects of his work at the Bank. Thus, the first part of the commemorative issue includes pages of the original issues that refer to articles of his which were published on newspapers; his initiatives regarding the employees of the Bank, among them, the four short story contests; the General Meetings of the Bank’s shareholders, etc., along with pictures of his, reprinted from various issues. The second part contains official documents signed by X. Zolotas that shed light to landmarks of his service as Governor, e.g. regarding the establishment of a School of Banking Studies by the Bank of Greece, his speech upon his resignation and upon his return after the fall of the junta, etc.