Aggregated balance sheet of insurance corporations

In this section the Bank of Greece publishes on a quarterly basis statistics on the main categories of asset and liability items of insurance corporations that operate in Greece.

More precisely the Bank publishes: (a) for the period September 2002 to June 2016 data as collected from the Statistics Department of the Bank of Greece in accordance with the Bank of Greece Governor’s Act 2497/2002, (b) from September 2016 onwards data collected in accordance with the Bank of Greece Executive Committee’s Act 94/16.05.2016, concerning the common submission of national reports of insurance and reinsurance corporations for supervisory and statistical purposes in the context of Solvency II for. The collection of statistical data since September 2016 is based on the xbrl schema defined by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in accordance with the taxonomy that is valid on the reference date.

The revision policy of statistical data followed by the Bank of Greece is consistent with the Common Minimum Standards for Data Revisions as agreed between the ECB, EIOPA, National Central Banks and National Competent Authorities, published on the websites of European Central Bank and EIOPA.
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