Professional certification

Pursuant to Article 93 of Law 4514/2018 (in Greek), the Executive Committee of the Bank of Greece and the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission issued a Joint Decision (Government Gazette B 1925/30.05.2018 – in Greek) according to which only persons holding a professional certification may engage in the provision of the services referred to in Article 2(1) of the aforesaid Joint Decision.

The Joint Decision establishes six (6) types of certificates [(a1), (a2), (b), (b1), (c), (d), (e), (f1) and f2)] and specifies in detail the services for which professional certification is required.

The Bank of Greece is responsible for:

  1. certifying persons employed by credit institutions, where the candidate has passed the certification examinations, which are conducted on the basis of a predefined syllabus, or has successfully participated in certification courses; and
  2. for the renewal of the certification, whether or not the certified person is employed by a credit institution at the time of renewal, provided that he/she has successfully passed the examination in the section “Legal Framework of the Capital Market” or has successfully participated in a training course.


The examination syllabus is published in Government Gazette B 3396/28.7.2021 (in Greek).

A three-member Board of Examiners, whose chair and members are selected from among qualified academics, has been set up for supervising the examinations.

Participation in the certification examinations, certification courses and training courses is subject to submission of all the necessary documentation and the fulfilment of all of the following conditions:

  1. the candidate must meet minimum standards of integrity;
  2. the candidate must possess the minimum formal qualifications laid down in the Joint Decision; and
  3. the credit institution that employs the candidate or the candidate him/herself must pay the prescribed fee to the Bank of Greece.


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